Bees and beehive by Mary Franko

Bees and beehive

February 2022
2.5 mm
Final size: 4.3in (11 cm). You can make a bigger (smaller) item by using a larger (less) size of hook and thicker yarn.
both US and UK
This pattern is available from for $5.40.

The pattern crochet honey bees and hive house.
This pattern document includes diagrams, step-by-step instruction, and many detailed photo that I will show you how to make this bee and hive.

Crochet Level: Medium

 crochet hook in size 2.5mm,
 yarn, I used YarnArt Jeans 01(white), 35(yellow), 07(brown), 05 (brown), 70(dark brown), 69(green).
 scissors,
 stuffing material,
 stitch marker,
 needle.

Crochet terms and abbreviations: The pattern is worked using US Crochet Terms. Conversions to UK terms are shown below in parentheses:

• ch – chain(UK = chain - ch)
• mr – magic ring (UK = magic ring - mr)
• sl st – slip stitch (UK= slip stitch – sl st)
• sc - single crochet (UK = double crochet - dc)
• inc sc – increase in single crochet (UK= increase in double crochet – inc dc)
• dec sc – decrease in single crochet (UK= decrease in double crochet – dec dc)
• hdc – half double crochet (UK = half treble crochet - htr)
• dc – double crochet (UK = treble crochet - tr)
• tr – treble crochet (UK = double treble crochet - dtr)
• dtr – double treble crochet (UK = treble treble crochet - trtr)