Bernard the Patchwork Bear by Elizabeth-Ann Brown

Bernard the Patchwork Bear

August 2021
both are used in this pattern
Aran (8 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
150 - 200 yards (137 - 183 m)
This pattern is available for $4.20 USD buy it now

Bernard the Patchwork Bear! Crochet Pattern ONLY

Pattern is in US terms, my finished doll was about 9 inches tall, but this will vary depending on yarn and tension.

Weight 4 yarn in 5 colors
• 170 yds of your main color – I used Big Twist Soft in Red
• 10 yds of your muzzle color – I used Red Heart Super Saver
in Orange
• Yarn scraps for the patches
• Small amount of black to embroider the nose and eyebrows
• 3.5mm crochet hook
Buttons for eyes- 5/8’’ though any size around that will work
(optional- can also crochet a circle or use felt)
Embroidery thread to sew on buttons
Sewing needle
Darning needle
Felt (optional)
Glue for felt
Wire brush (optional)

Sc: single crochet
Hdc: half double crochet
Dc: decrease
Inc: increase- sc twice into the same stitch
Dec: decrease- sc two stitches together
MR: magic ring
MC: main color
FO: fasten off
Ch: chain
BLO: back loop only
Ss: Slip stitch
MC: main color

• This bear is worked in continuous rounds unless otherwise stated.
• Buttons are considered a safety hazard, so keep that in mind if you are gifting this bear to a small child.
• The stitching takes a long time; keep that in mind when working on this. I suggest doing it in small sections.