Brighton Plaid by Eclectic Gipsyland

Brighton Plaid

July 2014
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
3.0 mm
2800 - 2872 yards (2560 - 2626 m)
43" x 43"
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This pattern is available for €7.00 EUR buy it now

Brighton est un plaid composé de 4 motifs différents sans coutures qui utilise toutes les couleurs d’Unicorn Tails de Madeline Tosh qui ravira les fans de crochet car le travail est varié. Pas le temps de s’ennuyer…
Il est également accessibles aux débutantes !

Brighton is a blanket made up of four different crochet motifs that require no sewing whatsoever. This is the blanket for anyone who loves colors as it uses 33 different colors from the masters of color, Madeline Tosh. No time to get bored as the crochet motifs change quickly keeping the project exciting after every turn. All levels of crocheters can do this pattern. If you are a beginner, give it a go!