Buttercup Toy Story by Chantelle @onescreativemind

Buttercup Toy Story

March 2023
DK (11 wpi) ?
2.5 mm

Something that I didn’t consider when creating this pattern was how top-heavy Buttercup would be. Buttercup is unable to stand unaided due to the weight of his head. When I make this pattern again in the future, I plan on possibly adding some dried beans to the body to weigh it down. This additional weight should allow Buttercup to stand on his own.

Buttercup’s overall measurements are 19 cm/7.5 inches tall and 15 cm/6 inches long.

DK yarn (white, yellow and black)
2.5mm crochet hook
Yarn needle
Fire retardant Fibrefill
Fuchsia pink, white, black yellow and blue felt
Felt glue
Stitch marker
Dried beans (or something to weight the body down) (optional)