Cable Handwarmers by Knits Please

Cable Handwarmers

December 2017
Lauren Aston Designs Super Chunky
Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
US 15 - 10.0 mm
38 - 44 yards (35 - 40 m)
This pattern is available for free.

These lovely handwarmers were borne from a personal need. As the colder weather comes along, my hands can get icy cold and I needed something to help them feel toasty, while leaving my fingers free for typing!

I’ve been wanting to introduce a cable into my patterns for a while now, and this subtle design adds just the right amount of detail for my tastes, so it was a perfect fit.

Knit in the round, these seam-free handwarmers are a great introduction to the technique of cabling, and work up fast enough to be incredibly satisfying, too!

Plus, this yarn from Lauren Aston Designs is absolutely dreamy, so it’s a great way to treat yourself to some luxury without breaking the bank.

To knit this pattern you’ll need:

1 x 200g hank Lauren Aston Designs Super Chunky yarn in Granite

1 x 10mm, 80cm circular needle

Cable needle

Tapestry needle

We make the designs, and we want you to make them your own.

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