Cafe Pansy Coffee Cosy and Mug Rug by Elizabeth Lovick

Cafe Pansy Coffee Cosy and Mug Rug

This pattern is available in print for $5.00.

Sure to brighten up your morning coffee, this nice quick knit is perfect if you want to try stranded knitting for the first time.

Jamieson and Smith’s 2 ply jumper weight:
1 x 25 g ball (see below) each of
MC - Shade 96 (pale yellow)
CC1 - 34 (dark green)
CC2 - FC52 (cerise)
CC3 - 20 (purple),
3 mm (US 2) needles
row counter
4 stitch markers for the Tea Cosy
2 press studs or velcro dots and 2 buttons for the Cafetiere Cosy

Note that 1 ball of MC makes the small or medium cafetiere cosy and one mug rug OR the large cafetiere cosy. I ball of MC also makes one cup cosy and the large tea cosy. Single balls of the other colours make the full set with some left over for further mug rugs or cup cosies.

mug rug: about 12 cm square
cafétiere cosies: to fit most 2 cup (4 cup, 6 cup) cafetieres