Captain Jack Harkness Big and Cuddly by Nyss Parkes

Captain Jack Harkness Big and Cuddly

July 2010
3.0 mm
Flag of English English
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Easy crochet pattern to make a cuddly Captain Jack Harkness plushie of your own (something to hug while watching Doctor Who and Torchwood :p).

Find a Ianto pattern to keep him company here

2/10 Good for someone with only a couple of basics

Any DK yarn should be fine. Best to use colours all in the same brand if possible.

30cm tall, with an arm span of 24cm (average, will change depending on thickness of yarn

Make for yourself, friends or charity, but please respect BBC trademarks and do not sell finished items. Help keep these patterns available for everyone to use by respecting these terms.

Other patterns in the Big and Cuddly series
Ianto Jones | Eleventh Doctor | Tenth Doctor | Rose

Feel free to contact me at if you need any help.