Caroline's Shawl by Lois M. Miller

Caroline's Shawl

July 2015
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
1200 - 2000 yards (1097 - 1829 m)
Adult, size is dependent on knitters choice, can stop anytime
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This pattern is in tribute to my friend’s mother, the recipient of the first shawl from this pattern.

It is a basic triangle shawl pattern done in stockinette and equally attractive on the stockinette or the reverse stockinette side.

Yarn is of choice, I would suggest fingering to DK weights but any weight would work. Needles a size or two above suggested size for the lace and drape effect but of a size to make a pleasant stockinette stitch. This is where a nice swatch is helpful to see what works and be able to change needles at will. When changing needles a life line or purl ridge is helpful to mark the change.
The colorful choice is made with left over sock yarn and is great fun to knit.

Binding off can be done go give a little rolled edge or the row after the lace row for a lacy looking edge.