Central Dogma Hat (DNA --﹥ RNA --﹥ Protein) by Melini Melini

Central Dogma Hat (DNA --﹥ RNA --﹥ Protein)

January 2012
Sport (12 wpi) ?
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Flag of English English
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

The Central Dogma is the way the information in your genes becomes expressed as all of the wonderful things that living creatures are.

The bottom motif is DNA with little chromosome X’s in the blank space along the double helix. The middle motif is RNA with more X’s as well as A, T, C, G, and U representing the building blocks of DNA and RNA. The top motif is a three step enzymatic reaction representing one important class of proteins encoded by DNA. Unfortunately (from the point of view of a protein chemist) the proteins are the least visible and least visually interesting.

“Everything about us is a protein or the result of protein action.”

Note to all: I wrote this pattern without much of a notion of pattern writing standards or tech editing, so it is not presented at the standard of my patterns for sale. However, the color work chart was a labor of love, as I suspect it would be for anyone who knits this, so even though I don’t have time to rework this, I’m keeping it up and appreciate any community support that you offer. Suggested Errata from Arminty:

Round 50: do not do decrease at beginning of round
Round 51: do not do decrease at end of round
The substrate as drawn in the pattern would not fit into the enzyme’s active site. The third round of the substrate should be 5 dark squares, 1 light square, and 4 dark squares (or alternately change the active site on the enzyme by removing the dark square in the last round between the triangle and square shapes).