Chasing Vines Slouchy by Brittney Green

Chasing Vines Slouchy

no longer available from 1 source show
November 2014
Light Fingering ?
There's no guage
US 3 - 3.25 mm
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This is my first published knitted object and I am very proud of it in it’s simplicity and loveliness. This is a great hat for someone who is just starting to so eyelets, anyone who wants a slouchie without a lot of business going on, but keeping it simple and beautiful.

I used 3-ply light fingering weight yarn, but this can be made with a regular fingering weight or sock yarn. I only needed one ball to make this slouchy and still had some left over. Feel free, obviously, to use as many colors as you want though.