Colourful Blocks Baby Blanket by Kedija idris

Colourful Blocks Baby Blanket

November 2021
Sport (12 wpi) ?
16 stitches and 10 rows = 4 inches
in double crochet
4.5 mm
1476 - 1531 yards (1350 - 1400 m)
31.5" by 31"
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

This colourful blocks baby blanket is a crochet pattern. When designing this baby blanket I was inspired by the kids building blocks.

This pattern is easy for advanced beginners to intermediate levels.

The stitches used are double crochet, front and back post double crochet & Paris stitch at the border.

The hook size= 4.5mm (US size 7)

Yarns used = Alize Cotton Baby Soft
°white colour (main colour)- (2 balls)
°Blue - (1 ball)
°Baby blue - (3/4 of the ball)
° Grey - (3/4 of the ball)
°Brown - (1/2 ball)
°Beige - (1/2ball)
°Red - (1/2 ball)

NOTE: you can use whatever colours you have.

This baby blanket could be a perfect for using your stash.