Contemporary Waves Rug by Susan Lowman

Contemporary Waves Rug

This rug measures 20” x 31”. It is made in Coal sock weight yarn and Rich Teal, Soft Teal, Mustard, Russet and Dark Leaf Green chunky weight yarn. This design is worked in wiggle crochet with a foundation mesh worked first, then the design is worked on top of the foundation mesh. This technique gives the rug a cushiony feeling with a depth of almost 1” to the rug.

“Wiggly Crochet is a three-dimensional crochet that begins with a base mesh made up of chain stitches in the horizontal direction and double crochet stitches in the vertical direction. Then the three-dimensional aspect is added by working 3-5 double crochets over each bar of the mesh base. These double crochets are packed so closely togeher that they have no choice but to stand out away from the mesh.” (Excerpt from “Special Techniques & Stitches in Crochet” book by House of White Birches)