Cork by Meagheen Ryan


August 2014
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
790 - 800 yards (722 - 732 m)
24x 58 inches
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Cork is nicknamed “The Rebel County”, The common misperception of Cork’s nickname of The Rebel County is that it derives from a strong connection with the fight for freedom from British occupation of Ireland. In fact, the origin of the name relates to Cork’s participation in internal British conflict several centuries earlier. In later years the term did come to refer more to the struggle against the British than to the Warbeck affair from which it had originally derived, as this had been largely forgotten by that time. I love Cork. Her Flag is known as the blood and bandages. Thus the colour of the shawl. I love to kayak on Lough Hyne, shopping in the English Market, sailing in Kinsale.
Yes I am a west coast girl, and while several of the brothers are Dubliner’s, it’s the West Coast and County Cork that fill my soul. The center panel of the shawl symbols the ties to Ireland , although there are times she rebels she is always true to herself.
The edging cables represent the River Lee and her Loughs, I have kayaked in these waters so many times.The lace and eyelet strip represent her diversity, because Cork is that, but as with the points of the lace she always unifies
be it against the English for Irish Freedom, or for their hurling and GAA teams.
The yarn for the shawl was dyed by Celtic Memory Yarns in Cork Ireland. I hope you feel my
love for the rebel city.