Crazy Colorwork slouchy hat by Hope Bell

Crazy Colorwork slouchy hat

February 2017
Aran (8 wpi) ?
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Baggy large
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

This pattern is relatively simple for a beginner with color work, but you have to keep an eye on the pattern. THERE IS NOT A CHART!
Everything is written row by row (since there are substantial repeating of the simple patterns :) )

Size: Adult baggy (measures about 24” around) - this could be modified to a smaller size (by casting on in incriments of 4 less stitches at a time) (since the pattern is written in multiples of 4, however I have not done this yet!)
Yarns: Malabrigo Merino worsted
CC 1: Fluo
CC 2: Natural
CC 3: Water Green
CC 4: Sealing wax
CC 5: Purple Magic
CC 6: Very Berry
CC 7 : Tiger lily
CC 8 : Emerald Blue
CC 9: Sapphire Green

Needles: Set of US 8 (5mm) Double pointed needles (DPN’s) or 16” circular needle and DPN’s

Stitch Dictionary:
Beg: beginning
DPN: double pointed needle
K: Knit
K1CC3: Knit 1 stitch in CC3
K2tog: Knit next 2 sts together
Rep: repeat
St(s): stitch(s)
P: Purl