Cressida by Louisa Harding


Cressida – page 11

Beanie Hat
Pattern round 2 is incorrect, the correct pattern is as follows:

Beanie hat
Work a further 8 rows in rib, ending with rib round 2.
Patt round 1: (P2, yo, P2tog, K6) 7 times.
Patt round 2: (P2tog, yo, P2, K6) 7 times.
These last 2 rounds set the lace rib and st st patt.
Cont to work in patt until work measures 14 cm (5½ in) from cast on edge, ending with patt round 2.
Work crown shaping as for Ribbed hat from ** to end.

There’s always one little mistake that slips through!!!!
