Crocheted Safety Cone by Dolores Powell

Crocheted Safety Cone

September 2020
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
0 stitches and 0 rows = 4 inches
4.0 mm (G)
260 - 300 yards (238 - 274 m)
                                   Crocheted Safety Cone

Sc= single crochet
Inc= single crochet increase
Dc=Double crochet
I use a G 4.0 hook
Red heart supersaver yarn
15 mm safety eyes

Start with orange
Row 1). 6 sc in magic ring
Row 2). 2 sc in each stitch. ( 12 )
Row 3). 1 sc in each stitch backloop only (12)
Row 4 & 5). 1 sc in each stitch (12)
Change yarn to white
Row 6) 1sc in first stitch sc inc in next ( repeat) (18)
Row 7) 1 sc In each stitch (18)
Change yarn to orange
Row 8) 1 sc in each stitch (18)
Row 9). Sc in first 2 stitches sc inc in next (repeat) (24)
Row 10 & 11) 1 sc in each stitch (24)
Row 12) sc in first 3 stitches sc inc in next (repeat) (30)
Row 13 & 14) sc in each stitch (30)
Change yarn to white
Row 15). Sc in first 4 stitches sc inc in next (repeat) (36)
Row 16 & 17). 1 sc in each stitch (36)
Change back to orange
Row 18). Sc in first 5 stitches sc inc in next (repeat) (42)
Row 19 & 20) sc in each stitch (42)
Row 21). Sc in first 6 stitches sc inc in next (repeat) (48)
Row 22 & 23) sc in each stitch (48)
Row 24) sc in first 7 stitches sc inc in next (repeat) (54)
Row 25) sc in first 26 stitch 5 dc bobble st in next stitch this is the nose then sc in last 27 stitches (54)
Row 26). Sc in each stitch (54)
Row 27). Sc in first 8 stitches sc inc in next (repeat) (60)
Row 28 & 29). Sc in each stitch
Cute off leave a long tail for sew on the bottom
Put on you safely eyes and do your mouth I put the eye 3 row above the nose and 3 stitches away on each side of nose

The bottom
Make 1 orange and 1 black
Make orange first
Chain 26 sc in each chain for 25 chain one and turn repeat for 27 rows
Cut a peace of plastic canvas or cardboard to fit in between the bottom for the base
When you get the black one done sc the 2 pieces together
Stuff the cone and sew it to the center of bottom