Cully's Epaulet Jacket WG23 SO15 by Elizabeth Zimmermann

Cully's Epaulet Jacket WG23 SO15

Pattern description from Knitting Workshop: “CULLY’S EPAULET SWEATER, features the knitted-in pocket and the bent-elbow. Note the epaulet shaping across the top, and the I-Cord borders with flat buttonholes.”

“This is made from the neck down, in one piece. The only seams are at the sleeve underarms. Neatly finished, it is reversible (sew buttons on outside and inside). It embodies, as far as I know, two Knitting Firsts: The Bent Elbow and the Vertical Knitted-in-Pocket With Only One Wool-Join. Both are optional, as is the collar, which is made last.”

Materials: 5 (6, 6, 7, 7, 8) 4oz skeins of Canadian Regal wool (or 2-ply Sheepswool, or Rangeley wool at a slightly bigger gauge of 4.5 sts to 1” if you want a heavier and larger- jacket). A 24” circular needle (work back & forth) or a size to give you your wanted gauge.

This pattern may be found in the appendix to Knitting Workshop on pages 165 & 170. Picture on pages 96.