Cute as a Button by The Yarn Girls

Cute as a Button

Sport (12 wpi) ?
14 stitches = 4 inches
US 10½ - 6.5 mm
680 - 1088 yards (622 - 995 m)
childs 1 yr (2 yr, 3 yr)

Pattern Description

A simple button-down cardigan with crochet edging in a contrast color.

Knitted Measurements

  • Width--12 (13 1/2, 15) inches
  • Length--12 (13 1/2, 15) inches
  • Sleeve Length--7 (8, 10) inches

Yarn Requirements

  • 5 (6, 8) balls Color A
  • 1 ball color B

Yarn is worked double throughout the sweater--this means you should hold 2 strands of yarn together as though they are 1.

Additional Materials

  • size J crochet hook
  • 5 buttons