Darn Good Handkerchief Cowl by Cheerfully Planted Designs

Darn Good Handkerchief Cowl

August 2017
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
12 stitches and 20 rows = 4 inches
in garter stitch
US 10 - 6.0 mm
120 - 150 yards (110 - 137 m)
one size
This pattern is available from darngoodyarn.com for $3.99.

This cowl is knit from the pointed bottom up to the neckline, and then the stitches are split in half and knitted separately around the neck before being seamed together at the back of the neck. The simple garter stitch in Darn Good Yarn’s Speckled Tweed Recycled Silk, a bulkier weight yarn, makes it a quick and easy knit. Follow my striping suggestion with Darn Good Yarn’s three color Sari Ribbon Sampler Card, or create your own striping pattern with one or more colors of Darn Good Yarn’s Sari Silk Ribbon.

The construction of this cowl is a bit unique. For your convenience, a diagram of the overall cowl before it is seamed is included at the end of the pattern. Please be encouraged to print this page out and play with your ideas for colors and striping patterns!