Diamond Black Scarf and Beret by Carol Price

Diamond Black Scarf and Beret

Carol Price's Ravelry Store
no longer available from 1 source show
yarn held together
+ Lace
= Fingering (14 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 22 rows = 4 inches
in lace pattern
US 7 - 4.5 mm
435 - 880 yards (398 - 805 m)
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This pattern offers versatility--work the scarf in lace weight with one strand (very delicate) or two (as in the model), or use fingering or sport weight if you like. Matching beret can be worked using two strands lace weight (as in the model) or with fingering or sport weight yarn as well--choose your favorite!

Shortest yardage given is for working both pieces with one strand heavier yarn; longest yardage is for two strands of lace weight held together. Scarf is worked back and forth from one end to the other, and beret is worked in the round from the bottom up. Pattern includes both charts and written instructions.