Doll's Skating Suit by Workbasket Magazine

Doll's Skating Suit

September 1966
Light Fingering ?
US 1 - 2.25 mm
11.5" Fashion Doll

Yarn: 1 ounce main color; small amount of angora for trim

Gauge: None given

Additional materials: Size 6 steel crochet hook; 5 snaps

The pattern includes the dress, shorts, and hat.

Construction: The dress is knit bottom up, in the round, to the waist; it is then knit flat from the waist to the neck. The sleeves are picked up at the shoulders and knit down, in the round. The shorts and hat are also knit in one piece.

There is a placket on the back opening of the dress, and one at the waist of the shorts, both of which are finished with single-crochet.

Sized for a Barbie-type doll with the 1960s figure: 5.5”/3.125”/5”. The fit may vary on modern dolls.