Duchrow 77.7 - Deckchen by Christine Duchrow

Duchrow 77.7 - Deckchen

Seidene Tellerdeckchen im Blumen-Motiv - Deckchen
(Silk plate doilies in flower motifs - doily)

77.5, 77.6, and 77.7 are the same except for the starting number of stitches (10, 8, and 6 stitches respectively).

Original directions call for sewing silk and fine knitting needles.

Cast on 6 stitches, knit 1 round, then follow chart V (Typensatz V) rounds 3-35.

Round 36 is a crochet cast-off:

Take three knitted stitches off at a time (all around) and crochet chains of 5 stitches between each group of three knitted stitches.

The finished work is pinned out and blocked.


r Knit
$ Knit through back loop (twisted)
1 Single yarnover
11 Double yarnover
a Slip 1, knit 1, PSSO
M Musche, mussel or shell, or 5-stitch nupp
3 Slip 1, knit 2 together, PSSO
g Knit 2 together