Easy-knit Cardigan Jacket by Sirdar

Easy-knit Cardigan Jacket

by Sirdar
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
14 stitches and 19 rows = 4 inches
in stocking stitch on 6.5mm (US10.5) needles
US 10½ - 6.5 mm
US 9 - 5.5 mm
513 - 1368 yards (469 - 1251 m)
Bust 24-46"/61-117cm, child to adult

Jacket in chunky yarn with two sleeve options, long or 3/4 length.

Sizes: To fit chest; actual measurements
Bust 24-26”/61-66cm; actual size 28.5”/72cm
Bust 28-30”/71-76cm; actual size 32.25”/82cm
Bust 32-34”/81-86cm; actual size 36.25”/92cm
Bust 36-38”/91-97cm; actual size 40.5”/103cm
Bust 40-42”/102-107cm; actual size 45”/114cm
Bust 44-46”/112-117cm; actual size 48.5”/123cm

Yarn Requirements: Bulky weight, 100g
Long-sleeved cardigan: 4 (5, 6, 6, 7, 8) balls
3/4-sleeved cardigan: 3 (4, 5, 6, 7, 7) balls

Also Needed:
4 buttons

This pattern is also suitable for Sirdar Tweedy Chunky and Click Chunky (amounts may vary).