Fabric Lined Drawstring Crochet Bag by Phebe Durand

Fabric Lined Drawstring Crochet Bag

February 2008
Aran (8 wpi) ?
4 stitches and 4 rows = 1 inch
4.0 mm (G)
One Size Fits All Accessory
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

If there’s one question related to crochet that I get more than any other … it’s this: How do I line my crochet bags? Lining a crochet bag makes it sturdier and seem so much more elegant and professional. It’s not difficult, either, but it needs to be taken in a few steps to understand well.

This pattern serves two purposes. It is a quick and easy pattern for a great-looking drawstring bag (not like any other drawstring bag you’re thinking of!), and it teaches how to line a crocheted bag or purse. The same basic principles can be used to line a ton of crochet (or knit, for that matter) items including clothing.