Feather and Fan Car Seat Baby Blanket by Linda Ann Ball

Feather and Fan Car Seat Baby Blanket

July 2011
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
US 8 - 5.0 mm
400 yards (366 m)
29x19 carseat size
This pattern is available for free.

Used stashed yarn of four different colors, changing colors when near end of the yarn ball.

FEATHER AND FAN BABY CAR SEAT WRAP Length: 29 inches Width: 19 inches Yarn: Bernat Cottontots/colors: (A)Grape Berry, (B) Lovely Lilac, (C)Very Berry, (D) Wonder White. One ball in each color. Choose the colors that work best for your baby! Needle size: #8 circular-24 inch length

Let me know if there are any errors or the pattern is unclear.