Flounder Disney The Little Mermaid by Chantelle @onescreativemind

Flounder Disney The Little Mermaid

September 2020
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
2.0 mm


4ply cotton yarn (Scheepjes Catona: 208 Yellow Gold, 247 Bluebird, 201 Electric Blue)
2mm crochet hook
Yarn needle
Fire retardant Fibrefill
Black, white, blue, green, dark red and baby pink felt
Felt glue
Pins (optional)
Stitch marker (optional)


MR# - magic ring with the specified number of single crochets
SC - single crochet (double crochet English)
HDC - half double crochet (half treble English)
hdcINC - half double crochet increase (half treble crochet increase English)
INC - single crochet increase
#in1 - the specified number of SC in the same stitch (i.e. 3in1)
DEC - invisible decrease
hdcDEC - half double crochet decrease (2tog - two stitches together method) (half treble crochet decrease English)
_______ X# - repeat sequence within the asterisks the specified number of times e.g. SC, INC x6)
FLO - front loop only
BLO - back loop only
CC - colour change
CH - chain stitches
CH1T - chain a stitch then turn your work
SS - slip stitch
ST/STS - stitch/stitches
FO - fasten off