Flower Hexagon Shirt by Jane Green

Flower Hexagon Shirt

any 8/4 cotton yarn
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
2.5 mm
Flag of English English
This pattern is available for €6.00 EUR
buy it now or visit pattern website
Errata available: beautifulcrochetstuff.com

Picture this: a classic-style crocheted shirt made entirely from hexagons, pentagons, and half-hexagons. Sounds simple, right? Wrong! This seemingly straightforward project turned into a month-long marathon. But let me clarify, it’s not because I crochet at a sloth’s pace; it’s because fitting all these geometric shapes into one lace piece of fashion took some serious brainpower.

The result of this grand crochet experiment? A modern, stylish, and enchanting shirt that’s perfect for any occasion. The lacy patterns of this garment add a touch of femininity to your overall look.

Pattern and Sizing:

Size: S-M (width - 47 cm, length - 55 cm, sleeve - 16 cm), hexagon (from the top to the opposite top) - 9,5 cm, pentagon (from the top to the opposite top) - 8 cm.

L-XL (width - 54 cm, length - 62 cm, sleeve - 19 cm), hexagon (from the top to the opposite top) - 11 cm, pentagon (from the top to the opposite top) - 10 cm.