Freya's Summer Top by Ellen Porter

Freya's Summer Top

Worsted (9 wpi) ?
20.5 stitches and 30 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
190 - 410 yards (174 - 375 m)
6-12M, 18M-2T, 3-4T, 5-8Y
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Summer tank knitted from the bottom up in the round with bobble edging.

Pattern features include written instructions, photos, and links to tutorials.

Construction techniques include knitting in the round, knit bobbly cast on and bind off, i-cords, knitting back and forth, and basic sewing.

Required yarn and notions:
-Light worsted cotton or linen blend such as Valley Yarns Hawley, Knit One Crochet Too Soie Et Lin, or Classic Elite Yarns Classic Silk
-Also works well with 2 DK yarns, such as Amano Yarns Sami, held together

-Size 5 16” or 24” circular and 2 DPNs, or correct needle size for gauge
-tapestry needle
-stitch markers