Good Marks in Botany by Vildan Uckardes

Good Marks in Botany

Thread ?
First round of motif = 3.2 cm
0.75 mm
170 yards (155 m)
23 cm sq
English French Spanish

Sixteen octagonal motifs with small fill-in flower.

Pattern 14 in Decorative Crochet.
Pattern 1, Flora de primavera, in Puntorama Ganchillo.
Pattern name is incorrect in 1000 Mailles. Shown on cover.

(Designer listed in 1000 Mailles as Gisela Maier and name as Force Centrifuge; style is common to Vildan Uckardes, though, and there is a different pattern in 1000 Mailles by Gisela Maier called Force Centrifuge.)