Greatly Lace Shawl by Olga Shkineva

Greatly Lace Shawl

April 2016
yarn held together
Lace ?
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
2.5 mm
1094 - 1640 yards (1000 - 1500 m)
180 х 90 cm
English Russian
This pattern is available for $4.30 USD buy it now

Pattern includes charts and detailed chart notes.

This triangular shaped shawl consists of two identical halves with a center back motif. It is worked in one piece from the center back of the neck down to the bottom hem.
Instructions are given for two sizes with the necessary information to adjust to virtually any yarn weight or desired size. You can easily adjust the size of your shawl by knitting more or less repeats of the 2nd Chart.
It is recommended to use fingering or lace fingering weight yarns (400-800 m / 100 g) made of any natural fibers (wool, linen), or choose yarn containing the smallest amount of synthetic fiber; size 2.5-3.5 needles.
IMPORTANT! Size and weight of your finished project can differ from the stated values depending on the chosen yarn weight, tools and your individual manner of knitting.

Measurement: approximately 180 x 90 cm; weight 80-150 g.
The sample shown is worked in Studio 100% Wool Supergeelong Yarn (Italy); with 2 strands held together;
Needles used: size 2.5 mm circular needles;
Crochet hook: size 2.5 mm for binding off.
Only charts.

Thank you very much mariposanegra for the translation to English

Шаль треугольной формы, состоит из двух одинаковых частей и центрального мотива. Вяжется от середины основания к кайме. Размер: ~180х90 см. Вес: 80-150 грамм.
Для образца использована пряжа Studio 100% Wool Supergeelong (Италия) 1400м/100г в 2 нити, спицы №2,5, крючок №2,5 для закрытия петель.

Пряжу рекомендуется использовать из натуральных волокон (шерсть, лен) или с наименьшим содержанием синтетики, метражом 400-800м/100г; спицы № 2,5-3,5.

! Размер и вес готового изделия может отличаться от заявленных значений, в зависимости от выбранной пряжи, инструментов и индивидуальной манеры вязания.

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