Gudetama Breakfast Amigurumi by Abby Sy

Gudetama Breakfast Amigurumi

by Abby Sy
March 2019
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
Gauge is not important for this pattern
3.5 mm (E)
30 - 60 yards (27 - 55 m)
This pattern is available for free.

Make everything on the plate with this pattern!

I struggled a bit with embroidery when it came to Gudetama’s face so had to resort to wool felting the mouth on. You can also cut out felt and glue it onto the face if that’s what floats your boat.

Gudetama is roughly 3 inches from head to butt.

st(s): stitch(es)
ch: chain
sc: single crochet
inc: two single crochet in one stitch
dec: invisible decrease, single crochet two stitches together through the front loops only
sl st: slip stitch
BLO: crochet only in the back loops (loop away from you) of each stitch
(…) x # : repeat anything in the parenthesis however many times the number indicates
#: total number of stitches for that row
number sc: one sc in the following # stitches
YO: yarn over
sc2tog: Insert hook into st and pull up a loop. Insert hook into next st and pull up a loop. YO, pull through all 3 loops on hook.
5dc-cl: 5 double crochet cluster, (YO, insert hook into st and pull up a loop, YO and pull through 2 loops) x 5. You will have 6 loops on your hook. YO and pull through all 6 loops.
puff st: (YO, insert hook into designated st and pull up a loop) x 4, you should have 9 loops on your hook. YO and pull through all 9 loops on your hook.

-Yellow, Dark Pink, Baby Pink, Red, Light Green, Forest Green Yarn (worsted weight)
-Sport Weight Black Yarn (to embroider eyes)
-3.5mm Crochet Hook
-White and Black wool roving and felting needles
-Polyfill or Cotton for stuffing
-Darning Needle
-Stitch Marker
-Optional: Plate to put everything together on!