Hairpin Lace Stole by Tusca Mark

Hairpin Lace Stole

Lace ?
1.65 mm
3.25 mm (D)
3.75 mm (F)
23 x 66 inches

Pattern calls for:
Lace weight mohair yarn (3 1/2 oz / 613 yds / 100g)
Lace weight silk yarn (2 oz / 350 yds / 57g)
Lace weight merino yarn (1 oz / 175 yds / 28 g)
Size 7/1.65mm steel crochet hook
Sizes D/3/3.25mm and F/5/3.75mm crochet hooks
Adjustable hairpin loom
Seed beads

Elegant, lacy wrap embellished with beads and tassels.

Shown on the cover of Annie’s Attic “Learn to Do Hairpin Lace”