Halter Type Dress for 11½" Doll by Jo Anne Fatherly

Halter Type Dress for 11½" Doll

October 1966
Light Fingering ?
8.5 stitches and 11 rows = 1 inch
in Stockinette stitch
US 1 - 2.25 mm
11.5" Fashion Doll

Yarn: 1/4 oz. main color, small amount of contrast color

Additional materials: two small buttons or beads

Construction: The front and back are worked flat, seamed together at the sides. The dress fastens with a button and buttonhole at each side of the neck.

Sized for a Barbie-type doll with the 1960s figure: 5.5”- 3.125”- 5”. The fit may vary on modern dolls.