Hemmed in Hollow by Samantha Stadter

Hemmed in Hollow

no longer available from 1 source show
March 2019
Sport (12 wpi) ?
22 stitches and 30 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
US 4 - 3.5 mm
660 - 880 yards (604 - 805 m)
one size
Free Pattern also available for free: info in notes
This pattern is available for $2.00 USD
A free version is also available.
buy it now or visit pattern website


Plymouth Yarns, Linaza, 2 skeins
US 4, 24” circular needle
Stitch markers
Spare needle or scrap yarn
Tapestry needle
4” = 22 stitches + 30 rows in stotckinette stitch on US 4 needles, blocked


This lacy tee is worked top-down seamlessly. The upper back is first worked flat. The front is picked up from the cast on edge of the back, before being worked down to the armhole, where it is joined to the back. The body is worked in the round to the hem. Short rows are used to shape the shoulders.

Linaza is one of my favorite yarns for summer pieces because it is light and breezy with a beautiful drape, and is a pleasure to knit with. Due to the linen content of this yarn, it will stretch after blocking, which can significantly affect the gauge. I highly recommend blocking your swatch when working with this yarn!

Since the pattern is worked top down, the length can be easily modified. Knit until you reach your desired length or until you run out of yarn to avoid scraps. :) I only used about one and a half skeins.

The pattern can be accessed for free on my linked blog, or you can purchase a pdf in my Ravelry shop.

Measurements and Modifications

This pattern is written in one size and is about 36” around the bust. It’s meant to be worn with 1-2” of positive ease.
The easiest way to make it a little larger (or smaller) would be to knit a looser (or tighter) gauge.