Housecoat and nightie by Patons UK

Housecoat and nightie

Materials: skeins of yarn as per the table for the housecoat or nightie.

For the HousecoatNo. of14 “16”18”
Patons Totem Double Crepe1 Oz.233
Patons DK1 Oz.233
Patons Moorland DK1 Oz.233
Patons 101 Courtelle Double Crepe1 Oz.233
Patons 101 Courtelle DK1 Oz.233
Patons Brilliante DK1 Oz.344
For the NightieNo. of14 “16”18”
Patons Cameo Crepe1 Oz.112
Patons Beehive 4 ply1 Oz.112
Patons Nylox 4ply1 Oz.112
Patons Purple Heather 4 ply1 Oz.112
Patons 101 Courtelle Crepe - knits as 4 ply1 Oz.112
Patons 101 Courtelle 4 ply Soft Knit1 Oz.112
Patons Brilliante DK1 Oz.122
Contrast for embroideryOddmentOddmentOddment

For the housecoat 11 st x 15 rows is 2” x 2” on No. 8 (UK) needles in stocking stitch.
For the nightie 14 st x 18 rows is 2” x 2” on No 10 (UK) needles in stocking stitch.

Outfit: housecoat and slippers; nightie and pantees.