I ♥ Audubon Park Pullover by Rebecca Yaker

I ♥ Audubon Park Pullover

April 2013
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
16 stitches and 20 rows = 4 inches
US 10½ - 6.5 mm
US 10 - 6.0 mm
160 - 220 yards (146 - 201 m)
3-6mo, 6-12mo, 12-18mo, 18-24mo
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now

Spring is finally springing, and this cap sleeved sweater is the perfect extra layer of warmth for playing at the park. Pair this cozy popover with a long sleeve striped tee for some layering fun. It’s knit from the top down in one piece using the contiguous knitting method (get the look of set-in sleeves without any seaming!). Special details include a purled shoulder “seam”, square neck with mitered corners, and a subtle reverse stockinette heart motif. A quick knit for you to enjoy and for your little one to love.

This garment is worked seamlessly from the top-down using the contiguous sleeve method developed by Susie Myers, aka SusieM.

I have designed this sweater/pattern for the Crafty Planet 2013 Yarn Shop Hop stop.

Sizes available are 3-6mo, 6-12mo, 12-18mo, and 18-24mo.

All sizes use just one skein of a 4oz hank of lanaloft worsted yarn, although depending on your exact gauge, the 18-24mo size will come dangerously close to needing a second skein of yarn.

Please note this this sweater uses a 4oz hank of lanaloft worsted weight yarn, not the traditional 3.5oz skein.

The pattern will be available at Crafty Planet during the 2013 Yarn Shop Hop.

Detailed Materials List:

Brown Sheep Lanaloft worsted weight 100% wool yarn - 180 yards per 4oz – 1(1,1,2) hanks or comparable worsted to obtain gauge.

6.5 mm/US10.5 and 6.0 mm/US 10 circular needles. Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain correct gauge.

Spare circular needle for provisional cast on, stitch markers, tapestry needle

Sizes: 3-6mo (6-12mo, 12-18mo, 18-24mo)

Gauge: 16 sts x 20 rows = 4 inches in St st on larger needles