Incognito Summer Hat by Sharon Bond

Incognito Summer Hat

June 2018
DK (11 wpi) ?
21 stitches = 4 inches
in unblocked
US 6 - 4.0 mm
150 - 220 yards (137 - 201 m)
one size
This pattern is available for C$1.25 CAD buy it now

This summer hat can be knit to preferred length for the brim, be it cloche style hat or short brimmed to full wide brimmed hat. The pattern features the garter stitch and is knit top to bottom and in the round. Yes, every alternate round is purled.

The pattern starts with shaping a star on the crown with yarn overs, then it moves onto the dropped stitches to form waves. From there to a modified hurdle-waffle stitch and finally the brim with short star points, ending with garter stitch rounds.

Dk weight yarn, use preferred fiber. Variegated does look great with the drop stitch section.
Prototype hat made with Loop & Threads DK Joy approx. 230 yrds.
US 6 – 4 mm needles or needles to obtain gauge: DPN’s to start or use magic loop method (increase cable lengths as you move along or use long sizes 29” for magic loop)
11 markers
Tapestry needle
Wire/Stiffener for brim edge (floral wire - 22-gauge wire or Mod Podge STIFFY is what I am am familiar with).
strong tape/wire joiner
Other wire options may include: 20 to 22- gauge beading wire or ordering professional wire from a millinery webpage for wire and joiners.

Gauge: Average 21 sts per 10 cm (4 in.) before blocking.

Charts are included for each stitch section.

Please email me at if you have any questions.