Knitted Hat by Weekly Times

Knitted Hat

December 1916
Thread ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
1.25 mm
This pattern is available for free.

The advent of mercerised cotton has given an inexpensive opportunity for making very charming dress accessories. The cotton has a beautiful silky appearance, and is pleasant to handle; it is obtainable in skeins at any large drapery house. A hat like tho one illustrated can be made for three shillings. It requires no lining or foundation, and is trimmed with a crochet cord and fiowers.

Materials: Two balls white or colored mercerised cotton No. 3; 2 skeins each of pink and rose-pink mercerised cotton No. 5; 8 skeins green mercerised cotton No. 5; 1 skein yellow mercerised cotton No. 5; 5 steel knit ting-needles No. 8; 1 steel crochet-hook, No. 8; 1 hat wire.

The hat is knitted; the flowers are crocheted.