Knitten Strip for Quilt by The Queenslander

Knitten Strip for Quilt

November 1909
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
This pattern is available for free.

Editor note: No needle size, yarn or gauge is given for this pattern, but it could be knitted in any yarn with appropriate needles.

It was published in 1909 and there are some old-fashioned knitting terms you will need to know:

  • Fagot - yarn round needle, purl two together
  • Slip and bind - slip one, knit one, passed slip stitch over
  • Narrow - knit 2 together

There are two errors:

  • Row 37 should begin: knit 2, fagot, knit 9…..
  • Row 49 should read: knit 2, fagot, knit 3, narrow, over, narrow, over, narrow, over, knit 9……