Kusha Kusha Jacket (Kit-75) by Setsuko Torii (鳥居節子)

Kusha Kusha Jacket (Kit-75)

From Habu Textiles:

Content: super fine merino wool & silk stainless steel
regular price: $105.00 (M size) / $131.25 (L size) (new price from 2/1/07)

Approx. dimension: 20” chest across x 20” long (please add 25% to this dimension for the L size.)

Buttons are not included, please order separately.

This is a knit FELT kit. A bit tricky, so please ask questions before you purchase this piece. Like kit-74, you do not want to overfelt it. If you do, you will have to give it to a child… Otherwise, it is completely cool & wild & no-ironing jacket. Very warm, too.