Lace Hooded cowl by Qurrota Ayun

Lace Hooded cowl

no longer available from 1 source show
June 2015
Lace ?
34 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
US 4 - 3.5 mm
450 - 600 yards (411 - 549 m)
free size
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This hooded cowl is worked in c shape , from the right and left part of the cowl, then join with the hooded part then decrease to create back part of the cowl and the hoodie.
the hoodie can be worn for windy days or just left alone in the back of your jacket to create nice cowl with cute hooded accessories.

Material :
3 ball of rowan kidsilk haze
3.5 mm / us 4 circular needle
3.25 mm / us 3 any kind of knitting needle just to bind off
4 pcs of stitch marker
Tapestry needle
2 leather pocket snap/ button
Gauge :
34 sts x 32 rows in 10 cm/ 4″
Finishing measurement :
15 cm x 100 cm or 6″x40″ for the cowl it self