Large Green Dinosaur Stuffed Toy by Janel Gourdet HandmadebyMammaJ

Large Green Dinosaur Stuffed Toy

DK (11 wpi) ?
3.75 mm (F)
This pattern is available from for $2.00.

copyright 2015
Handmade by Mamma J

Finished Size: about 18 inches from nose to tail

Crochet level: Intermediate


Hook: US size F (3.75 mm)
Bernat Handicrafter Cotton yarn in Emerald Energy, or color of your choice.
Small amount of yarn in white, black, and blue for eyes.
(If you prefer not to use Bernat Handicrafter Cotton,
then Red Heart Super Saver yarn, or any similar yarn would work just fine.)
Yarn needle
Stuffing (polyfill)
Stitch marker

What you need to know:
chain, slip stitch, single crochet, magic ring, sc2tog

stitch explanation:
sc2tog (sc 2 sts together) Insert hook into st and draw up a loop. Insert hook into
next st and draw up a loop. Yarn over, draw through all 3 loops on hook - 1 stitch

magic ring tutorial: