Little Ghost by Cassie Rosse

Little Ghost

February 2018
Lace ?
US 11 - 8.0 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
770 yards (704 m)
English Estonian
This pattern is available for €4.79 EUR buy it now

When I lived with my family in an apartment, for some time, I thought it was haunted. I would hear steps in the middle of the night, coming right up to my door. Always felt that in any second my door will open. Easy explanation would have been that someone from my family is walking around, but it couldn’t be that. I don’t know how many times it happened, but it was really scary.
Somehow I finally realized what was actually happening. Apartment was on the second floor of three story house and we did have neighbors up stairs. So I realized, it was my neighbor and not a ghost. Although it felt really real, I went with that explanation and problem was resolved.
But I still do believe in ghosts, just haven’t had encounter so far.

Pattern of shawl is charted and easy to follow. Shawl gets its shape by decreasing method – you start with bunch of a stitches (edge lace) and decrease stitches as instructed.

Take it into consideration that final result will depend on yarn weight, size of needles and your knitting gauge.

Rowan Fine Lace
80% Baby Suri Alpkaca
20% Fine Merino
88g of yarn
640 nupps (bobbles)
161 x 73 cm