Little Turtle with a Shell Jacket by Christie Donnelly

Little Turtle with a Shell Jacket

November 2020
3.75 mm (F)
Size depends on the hook you use
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Little Turtle with a Shell Jacket

size depends on hook and yarn you are using
I don’t think it matters to much for this pattern
but if you want a small turtle like mine use
an F hook and Worsted weight yarn like RHSS or something similar.

no need for a gauge -

yarn - very small amount of yarn - this pattern is good for scrap yarns.
some stuffing for the head and body.
needle to sew in ends
stitch marker because you wont be joining at the ends of rows
until the end of the shell. So basically this is amigurumi.
Embroidery floss for eyebrows and mouth - and the eyes if you like. or you can use safety eyes or beads.

This pattern is free - you can share it - you can make the item and sell it or do whatever you wish! I do not need any mention !
Please note that this is not a conventional pattern I have written it down best I can and didn’t use testers, but if you have a question please send me a message and I’ll be happy to help where I can when I see it…

Thank you!