Magic dress by Anna Kotova

Magic dress

no longer available from 1 source show
80, 86, 92, 98, 104, 110, 116, 122, 128, 132, 146, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL
English Russian
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Magic Dress is a comfy, attractive and beautiful outfit.
Semi-circle skirt worked in a lace stitch pattern, lace shoulder lines, boat neckline, slim waist silhouette, delicate bow and especially buttons on the back create romantic, sweet and airy look.

The dress is worked flat in Stockinette stitch from the top to the waistline and then in the lace stitch pattern in the round. Seamless set-in sleeves are worked simultaneously with the top in modified contiguous set-in sleeve technique. Once the body is done, stitches for the sleeves are then picked up and the sleeves are worked in rounds to the wrist.

The pattern includes charts for the skirt.

This pattern is a calculation-based one.
You choose yarn you want to work with, take measurements, make a gauge swatch and then work through the pattern making necessary calculations based on your measurements and the gauge.

You don’t need to meet the pattern gauge.

You work with your measurements, so you can be sure that the dress will fit you.

Yarn recommendations:

Choose fluffy or smooth yarn with maximum yarn length 182 yds/3.5 oz (200 m/100 g) (lace, fingering, DK weight yarn).
The sample was knitted with Angora 2 (820 yds/3.5 oz (750 m/100 g)) in 2 strands and US 7 (4.5 mm) needles.

-Circular needles that is suitable for your yarn, DPN needles of the same size (for sleeves if necessary),
-Spare needle of the same or smaller size.

Other Tools:
-Tapestry needle, scissors, ruler, measuring tape, stitch markers, stitch holders, thin crochet hook, buttons, calculator.

No required numbers.
Make your own swatch and use its gauge for all the calculations.

You may work a dress for kids and adults.

Suggested ease:
1.6” (4 cm) of positive ease.


  • Basic knitting skills (knit, purl), knitting in the round, crochet cast-on (photo tutorial is included in the pattern), sewn bind-off technique (photo tutorial is included in the pattern), reading charts. In the pattern you will find a link to the webpage with video tutorials.
  • Basic rules of arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).