Magic Twist Fingerless Gloves by Cassie Moiser

Magic Twist Fingerless Gloves

June 2021
DK (11 wpi) ?
5.0 mm (H)
150 - 200 yards (137 - 183 m)
This pattern is available for $3.00 USD buy it now

When I finished up the Magic Twist hat using a double strand of Chameleon yarn, I noticed I had a good bit left and I figured I’d make some fingerless gloves. For this, unlike the hat, you only use one strand while working. This is a great way to use up what’s left of each ball of yarn.

Things you’ll need:
200 yards of Light weight yarn - I used Premier Chameleon yarn
US - 5.0mm hook (H)
Yarn Needle

Stitches and techniques to know:
ch - Chain
dc - Double Crochet
sl st - Slip Stitch
hdc - Half Double Crochet.
fpdc - Front Post Double Crochet
bpdc - Back Post Double Crochet
In the third loop - Work into the back third loop of a hdc.
dc3tog/dc4tog -