Mario Super Mario by Chantelle @onescreativemind

Mario Super Mario

September 2020
DK (11 wpi) ?
3.0 mm


DK yarn (blue, red, , nude, beige, medium brown, dark brown and white)
3mm crochet hook
2.5mm hook
Yarn needle
Fire retardant Fibrefill
White, blue, black, and red felt (for eyes and letter detail)
Felt glue
Yellow button (optional, you can use whatever you like for the button)
Sewing needle (optional if using a button)
Yellow thread (optional if using a button)
Pins (optional)
Stitch marker (optional)


MR# – magic ring with the specified number of single crochets
SC – single crochet (double crochet English)
INC – single crochet increase
hdcINC - half double crochet increase
HDC – half double crochet (half treble crochet English)
#in1 – specified number of single crochets in the same stitch
DEC – invisible decrease
hdcDEC - half double crochet decrease
2TOG - 2 stitches together method of decreasing
BLO – back loop only
FLO – row is front loop only
_______ X# – repeat sequence within the asterisks the specified number of times e.g. SC, INC x6)
CC – colour change
SS - slip stitch
CH – chain stitches
CH1T – chain 1 stitch then turn your work
SSJ - slip stitch to in the first stitch to join the row
ST/STS – stitch/stitches
FO – fasten off