Market Tote Bag by Anne Flood

Market Tote Bag

June 2019
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
250 - 500 yards (229 - 457 m)
This pattern is available for $4.00 USD buy it now

This pattern is knit on circular needles for the main section of the bag, and straight needles are used for the handles.

Skill level: medium

Bottom seam is completed with the three needle bind off.
Handles seam is also completed with the three needle bind off.

Feel free to use this pattern to make items for sale. I would appreciate you indicating the pattern source. Thank you.

Sizes vary based on yarn used and needle sizes.

UPDATE (2019-06-15) - the pattern now includes instructions for two different types of handles: centre handles or side handles.

Testing bag sizes made are:
(1) cotton yarn was a medium sized bag (approximately 12 inches or 30cm wide) used approx 250m of yarn with 5.5mm circular needles
(2) phentex yarn was a medium sized bag (approximately 12 inches or 30cm wide) using size 7mm circular needles
(3) unknown worsted weight yarn produced a larger and stretchier bag by knitting more loosely and with size 8mm (11US) circular needles