Maudie by General Hogbuffer


May 2012
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
Flag of English English
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My 2012 Sockdown design for April - Literary Inspiration.
The design is dedicated to Patricia Wentworth’s Miss Maud Silver, who is not just a deceptively mild mannered detective, but also an extremely prolific knitter.

Equally, the design looks deceptively plain, but the heel is constructed with a shaped and patterned heel flap, with the toe mirroring the resulting design.

As this is a new method of construction, and as the design was not test knit please make sure you let me know if you run into difficulties.

If you are interested in a Russian version of this pattern, please contact NataliyaM, who has kindly made a translation.