Mean Green Scarf by Cindy Kamps

Mean Green Scarf

March 2008
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

I haven’t met a green I didn’t like.

The Mean Green Scarf and Hat features a brilliant kelly green worsted weight alpaca yarn with a strand of #10 cystal thread in a neon lime green to get the varigated look for the main scarf.

I accented all the way around with a soft lavendar mohair sport weight yarn.

Next, a rnd of brilliant purple seed yarn.
The final border rnd of giant loops in the solid kelly green.

I used the same hook for all, but the different yarn weights created contrasting textures throughout.

The hat was worked as a solid, kelly green with the lime strand. The Mean Green Hat Pattern is pending and will be uploaded shortly.

The Mean Green Scarf pattern is now available on Ravelry and is also one of the featured scarf patterns in my Hot 10 Scarves to Live and Play in Book.